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Murata production Institute: development of small car lithium battery life up to 10 years


Recently, Murata Production Co., Ltd. demonstrated the ultra small vehicle equipped with the high output lithium-ion battery that the company is developing at the Japan International Automobile Electronic Technology Exhibition. The battery can discharge up to 100A and charge 90% in 6 minutes. In terms of service life, it can be used for 10 years if it is charged and discharged once a day at normal temperature.
According to Murata, the market of lithium-ion batteries, which is mainly determined by capacity and price, is expected to further expand through the advantages of output power and life. In addition to the ultra-small vehicles, the company also aims at walking cars, unmanned transporters, elevators, fixed power storage systems, uninterruptible power supply, etc
This time, as one of the applications that can give full play to the characteristics of the new battery products, such as fast charging and discharging speed and long service life, Murata's production area shows the ultra small vehicles driven by motors. This super small vehicle is a trial product "zied1" developed by Zied, a venture company. Its concept is "a beautiful vehicle with the smallest size required for two people's movement". Murata production will start mass production of the battery equipped with the car in April 2015. Zied plans to launch zied1 in 2015
Murata will use the manufacturing technology of the company's main product, the laminated ceramic capacitor, for the mass production of the battery. In the production of multilayer ceramic capacitors, one of the processes is to accurately overlap the thin ceramic plates before sintering. The new lithium battery unit does not wind the positive and negative electrodes, but uses the overlapping structure, so it can just use the current technology
In terms of high output power batteries, there were products such as Toshiba's "SCIB (supercharge ion battery)" before, while the battery voltage developed by Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. this time is 3.2V, which can reduce the number of cells needed to obtain the same voltage. Murata plans to use this new product to enter the "environment and energy market" that the company has positioned as a key market.